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Gender, Scientificness and Ideology

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This text is an English summary of the brochure entitled «Gender, Wissenschaftlichkeit und Ideologie » , which was originally published in German in the early summer of 2013. It primarily arose as a result of the astonishment felt at a large number of unobjective, distortive and, in part, verifiably untrue assertions about gender issues making the rounds over the last few years in German-speaking countries – both among the established print media and online. We have examined these assertions and lines of argument more closely and juxtaposed them with our scientific arguments and expertise. Our intention was and still is: to counter the deliberate misinterpretations of the gender debates using plausible and sound arguments and to provide readers with arguments with which they can proactively uphold an emancipatory and forward-thinking gender policy.

In the light of current developments in numerous European countries, in which similar conflicting lines can be obeserved, we have decided to make the content of the brochure accessible to an international audience. This executive summary of the brochure set out on the pages that follow provides readers from different countries with an insight into the discussion taking place in Germany and covers the main elements of the 72-page German version of the brochure. We trust that our work may be of value to various contexts in other countries.

At this juncture, we wish to express our deep gratitude to all those who have contributed to the brochure by providing their food for thought, support and feedback. The brochure has met with widespread interest in Germany. We have received numerous positive responses and feedback for which we are very grateful. As was to be expected, those criticized in the brochure also vented their feelings, as did those who believed that the criticism was levelled at them, along with those who grasp every opportunity they can to lash out at «gender» – and who, in their own unique way, became prime illustrations of some of the issues raised in this brochure.

We would like to thank the Heinrich Böll Foundation once again for making this publication possible, even in its second edition with this English summary. We are especially indebted to Henning von Bargen of the Gunda Werner Institute for his contributions and support. Also special thanks to Bettina von Arps-Aubert for translation.

Regina Frey, Marc Gärtner, Manfred Köhnen and Sebastian Scheele
June 2014

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