About us Published: 18 October 2023 The Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation emerged in 2007 from the previously separate units - the Feminist Institute and the Joint Task Force on Gender Democracy. We have joined forces to join forces, achieve new synergies and develop new political perspectives together.
Of "bodies new and strange": The Future of Human Love in the Age of AI Published: 31 August 2023 Aifric Campbell explores the future of love and intimacy as our attention to humans is seduced by machines.
The rights of intersex persons in Greece Published: 2 August 2022 Two resolutions, one by the Council of Europe and the other by the European Parliament, call upon the states of Europe to implement legislative protections guaranteeing the human rights of intersex people across a broad spectrum of their social and personal life. This paper by attorney at law Vasilis Sotiropoulos records the extent to which current Greek legislation is in compliance with the European recommendations in regard to the protection of intersex persons.
Understanding Intersectionality through LGBTQIA+/Queer Narratives in Azerbaijan Published: 18 July 2022 Ramil writes about the urgency of intersectionality by studying the narratives of Azerbaijani LGBTQI+/queer individuals who have been facing multi-layered discrimination in Azerbaijan.
Hungary’s First Female President – a Victory for Women? Published: 1 July 2022 Katalin Novák, 44, is Hungary’s very first female President and youngest-ever head of state, elected in March 2022 and inaugurated in May 2022. Novák’s sugar-coated eloquence, international experience, and multilingual skills contribute to making Fidesz internationally presentable. Whether her election is a victory for Hungarian women is questionable, though.
How LGBT+ individuals were criminalized with the withdrawal of the Istanbul Convention? Published: 24 June 2022 Sibel Yükler's article on the process before the withdrawal of the Istanbul Convention and how LGBTI+s were systematically criminalized...
The Human Face and the Social Costs: Still Waiting for LGTBQIA+ Recognition in Vietnam Published: 14 June 2022 Valerie Hammond came out as a gay man when she was 17 before realizing that she is a trans woman. In sharing her personal experiences of becoming transgender two years ago, she reflects on the continual social discrimination and lack of legal rights the LGBTQIA+ community in Vietnam still face.
LGBTQI Rights in Greece Published: 25 May 2022 Vasilis Sotiropoulos, attorney at law, describes in a coherent text the situation of LGBTQ rights in Greece at the legislative level and points out the gaps and the dangers they entail.