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Understanding Gender Based Violence: Deconstructing Masculinity and Femininity


Understanding Gender Based Violence: Deconstructing Masculinity and Femininity

Gender Forum on 26th April 2012

Gender Based Violence (GBV) continues to be a major social, economic and developmental challenge globally, with far reaching ramifications on men, women, children and the society as a whole. Although GBV is perpetrated against both men and women, it is undisputable that women bear the brunt of this vice, so much so that GBV has in the past become synonymous with Violence Against Women (VAW). Unfortunately, due to flawed concepts of masculinity and femininity rooted in negative cultural beliefs and practices as well as unhealthy societal norms, VAW has become “normalized” and keeps escalating unabated. 

Kenya has witnessed changing GBV trends with cases of men assaulted by their domestic partners, particularly in Central Kenya dominating discussions in the streets, homes, work places, local and electronic media as well as social media. It is not clear whether this is a new phenomenon or it is just a case of men breaking the silence on GBV. Although some of the discussions reflect a balanced analysis of the problem, most are informed by ignorance, misinformation and a clear lack of understanding of the root causes of the problem. Indeed some of the utterances could aggravate the problem instead of coming up with solutions. It is against this background that this Gender Forum was held.

The papers presented at the forum are available below:

The Men-to-Men strategy toolkit on Working with Men to Combat Gender Based Violence by FEMNET was also launched. This Toolkit shares information, tools, activities, and skills building ideas and methods to support organisations and individuals to better understand the needs of working with men to address gender based violence in collaboration with women’s rights organisations in Africa. To download the toolkit, go to:, and for more information email:

The panelists: Prof. Nyokabi Kamau (Gender Consultant); Dr. Mbugua wa Mungai (Lecturer, Kenyatta University); Beverline Ongaro (Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Programme Officer, Act Transform!); Kennedy Otina (Programme Associate, Men to Men Programme, FEMNET); and Ms Dina Musinderwezo (Executive Director, FEMNET). 

Moderator: Dr. Mshai Mwangola (Consultant, Performance Studies)


Further information on the Gender Forum:
East Africa / Horn of Africa Regional Office
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Forest Road, PO Box 10799-00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya
T +254 (0)20 2680745, -2613992, -2613997 

