Executive directors
N.N. | Henning von Bargen
email: N.N. | vonbargen@boell.de
Special units
Feminist Foreign Policy / Intersectionality
email: N.N.
Henning von Bargen
Politics of masculinity / Antifeminism
email: vonbargen@boell.de
Amina Nolte
Reproductive Justice
email: gwi@boell.de
Sandra Ho
email: Sandra.Ho@boell.de
Katharina Klappheck
Digital Politics
email: Katharina.Klappheck@boell.de
Social Media Communication
Franziska Schmid
email: franziska.schmid@boell.de
Project coordination and processing
Christiane Bornstedt | Munkhzul Togmid | Antonia Goette
email: bornstedt@boell.de | munkhzul.togmid@boell.de | antonia.goette@boell.de
Gunda-Werner-Institut in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 - 285 34 - 122 (Please inquire by email)
email: gwi@boell.de
Legal information
Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG, Section 55 RStV
Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V.
Schumannstrasse 8
10117 Berlin
T +49 (30) 285 34-0
info (at) boell.de
The Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V. is the party-affiliated Green Party foundation based in Berlin.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V. is represented:
Dr. Imme Scholz (Board of Directors)
Jan Philipp Albrecht (Board of Directors)
Press law and editorial responsibility: Henning von Bargen
The Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V. is registered in the register of associations at the Charlottenburg District Court, registration number 95 VR 17462 B and recognized by the tax office for corporations as a non-profit corporation for the promotion of cultural purposes, education and development aid (tax number 27/667/53019).
The sales tax identification number is VAT-IdNr. DE812656172.
This website is created with the greatest possible care. However, we cannot guarantee that the content is correct, complete or up-to-date. Contributions marked by name do not always reflect the opinion of the Gunda Werner Institute of the Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V.
Our website contains links to external websites. These links have a purely informational purpose. Their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to constantly monitor external links without concrete evidence of a legal violation or discriminatory content.
If we become aware of a legal violation or discriminatory behavior, we will immediately remove the relevant link or content from our website.
Please contact: Henning von Bargen (vonbargen@boell.de)
The content and works on this website are protected by copyright. Our strategy is to publish under a Creative Commons license if possible and sensible.
CC licenses make it easier to reuse the material without further consultation with us. However, we would still be happy to receive a brief note about secondary publications to:gwi@boell.de
Please also contact us if an intended use is not covered by the respective license. Maybe we can find a solution together.
If no further regulations are made in connection with the document displayed on the website or offered for download, the prior consent of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. or the respective rights holder must be obtained.