On sexualised violence experienced by girls, boys and women – against the protection of perpetrators
Girls and women, but also boys, experience sexualised violence in different ways, both in Germany as well as in other countries and regions. A crime that is often suppressed and still a social taboo.
The consequence: most, male, perpetrators go unpunished. An exhibition project by three Bremen female artists approaches this delicate issue in an unusual and sensitive way: In cooperation with the Gunda Werner Insitute at the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Wildwasser e.V. and Tauwetter e.V. projects, the artists seek to break the silence and combat sexualised violence. A comprehensive side programme including expert discussions and guided tours, also available for school classes as of 10th grade, will allow visitors to engross themselves in the issues at hand. – The 30th anniversary of the Wildwasser e.V. project in Berlin marks the occasion for the project.
An audio description will also be available to give blind and visually impaired visitors a chance to experience the exhibition. Furthermore, there will be two guided sign language tours.
Opening: Monday 25 November 2013, 6 pm
The Gunda Werner Institute cordially invites: Tuesday 10 December 2013 6pm:
It is a taboo almost everywhere; survivors are left to their own devices. In the context of the «What do you see, Ms Lot?» exhibition project from 25 November 2013 to 14 January 2014 and to mark the International Day of Human Rights, an event organised by the Gunda-Werner-Institute will focus on the issues of forced recruitment and use of children in wars by means of sexualised violence.
The documentary «Lost Children» (2005) portrays four child soldiers between 8 and 14 years old who are looking for a new life as children after escaping from rebel camps in Uganda. The panel discussion explores questions like: What are the International Community, the EU and the Federal Government able and obliged to do to combat the recruitment of children? How can they contribute to their coming to terms with their experience of violence?