LGBTI Rights are Human Rights

The sexual orientation and gender identity of a person remain as reasons of discrimination on world wide ground. Till 1992, homosexuality had been registered as an illness in the ICD- catalogue released by WHO. In more than 70 countries homosexuality and/or the expression of once gender identity (not assigned at birth), nowadays is a reason for criminal prosecution. In twelve countries it is even threatened with death penalty. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is supporting numerous LGBTI- activists and networks in various countries to spread information and to demand (human) rights for LGBTI.


No events in English language are planned at present.

Poster saying Respect all women

The Istanbul Convention and Queer Women Seeking Asylum

The Queer European Asylum Network has published a Policy Report which calls on all EU member states that have ratified or signed the Istanbul Convention to protect lesbian, bisexual, queer, intersex and trans women as a particularly vulnerable group from gender-based violence.


Middle East