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General Literature

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Aafjes, Astrid

1998   Gender violence, The hidden war crime, Women Law and Development International, Washington D.C.

Abantu for Development
1998   Gender and conflict, GAP Matters, issue 3, London.

Ackerly, Brooke / Stern, Maria
2006    Feminist methodologies for international relations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Addis, Elisabetta / Russo, Valeria  et al. (eds.)
1994    Women soldiers, Images and realities, St. Martin’s Press, New York.

Afkhami, Mahnez
2002    Toward a compassionate society, Publications of the Women’s Learning Partnership for rights, Development and Peace, Bethesda.

Afshar, Haleh (ed.)
2004    Development, women and war – Feminist perspectives, Oxfam Publications, Oxford.

Agathangelou, A. / Ling, L.H.M.
2003    Desire industries, Sex trafficing, UN peacekeeping and the neo-liberal world order, in: Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 10., no. 1, S.133-148.

Al-Hussein, Prinz Z. Ra’ad Zeid
2005    A comprehensive strategy to eliminate future sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping operations, New York.

Allred, Keith
2006    Peacekeepers and prostitutes, How deployed forces fuel the demand for trafficked women and new hope for stopping it, in: Armed Forces and Society, vol. 33, no. 1, S.5-23.

Alison, Miranda
2006    Women and political violence, Female combatants in ethno-national conflicts, (2009) Routledge, London.

2007    Wartime sexual violence, Women’s human rights and the question of masculinity, in: Review of International Studies, vol. 33, S.75-90. (this article is available as a PDF file in the internet)

2003    Peacemaking – The untapped resource, Women in peace negotiations, in: Conflict Trends, 3, S.18-22.

2006    Mainstreaming gender in conflict analysis, Social Development Papers, no. 33, Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction, World Bank, Washington D.C.

2007    Women building peace: What they do, why it matters, Lynne Rienner, Boulder.

Anstee, Margaret Joan
2003    Never learn to type, A woman at the United Nations, Wiley Publishers, Chichester.

Aolain, Ni Fionnuala / Turner, Catherine
2007    Gender, truth and transition, in: UCLA Women’s Law Journal, vol. 16, S.229-279.

ARC International
2005    Gender based violence in conflict settings, Tool kits, ARC International Publications, New York.

As, Berit
1982    A materialistic view on men’s and women’s attitudes towards war, in:Women´s Studies International Forum, vol. 5, no. 3/4, S.355-364.

Ashfort, Mary Wynne / Huet-Vaughn, Yolanda
1997    The impact of war on women, in: Levy, Barry / Sidel, Victor (eds.): War and public health, Oxford University Press, Oxford, S.186-196.

Askin, Kelly Dawn
1997    War crimes against women, Prosecution in international war criminal tribunals, Nijoff Publishers, The Hague.

2003    Prosecuting wartime rape and other gender-related crimes under international law, Extraordinary advances, enduring obstacles, in: Berkeley Journal of International Law, vol. 21, S.288-349.

2005    Gender crimes jurisprudence in the ICTR, in: Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 3, no. 4, S.107-1018.

Askin, Kelly Dawn / Koening, Dorean (eds.)
1999    Women and international humanitarian rights law,  Transnational Publishers, Ardsley.

Atlani, L. / Rousseau, C.
2000    The politics of culture in humanitarian aid to women refugees who experienced sexual violence, in: Transcultural Psychology, 3, S.435-449.

Bahun-Radunovic, Sanja / Rajan, Julie (eds.)
2008    Violence and gender in the globalized world, The intimate of the extimate, Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot.

Baines, Erin
2004    Vulnerable bodies – Gender, the UN and the global refugee crisis, Ashgate Publishing, London.

Baksh, Rawwida / Etchart, Linda / Onubogu, Elsie / Johnson, Tina
2005    Building sustainable peace, Gender mainstreaming in conflict transformation, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.

Baldini, Roberta Maria
2003   International crimial justice, Conflict and its response to gender-based violence, in: Conflict Trends, vol. 3, S.47-52.

Barrett, F.
1996    The organizational construction of hegemonic masculinity, The case of the US Navy, in: Gender, Work and Organisation, vol. 3, no. 3, S.129-142.

Barstrow, Anne Llewellyn (ed.)
2000    War’s dirty secrets, Rape, prostitution and other crimes against women, The Pilgrim Press, Cleaveland.

Basoglu, Metin (ed.)
1992    Torture and its consequences, Current treatment approaches, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Batt, Judy / Valenius, Johanna
2006    Gender mainstreaming, Implementing UNSCR 1325 in ESDP missions, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris.

Bedont, B. / Hall Martinez, K.
1999    Ending impunity for gender crimes under the International Criminal Court, in: Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 6, no. 1, S.65-85.

Beilstein, Janet
1998    The expanding role of women in the United Nations Peacekeeping, in: Lorentzen, Lois Ann / Turpin, Jennifer (eds.): The women and war reader, New York University Press, New York, S. 140-147.

Bell Christine / O'Rourke, Catherine
2007    Does feminism need a theory of transitional justice? An introductory essay, in: International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 1, no. 1, S.23-44.

Bendot, Barbara / Hall Martinez, Katherine
1999    Ending impunity for gender war crimes under the International Criminal Court, in: Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 6, no. 1, S.65-85.

Bennett, Olivia / Bexley, Jo / Warnock, Kitty (eds.)
1995    Arms to fight, arms to protect, Women speak out about conflict, Panos, London.

Berg, Ellen Ziskind
1994    Gendering conflict resolutions, in: Peace and Change, vol. 19, no. 4, S.325-348.

Berkin, Carol / Lovett, Clara (eds.)
1980    Women, war and revolution, Holmes and Meyer Publishers, London.

Bethke, Elshtain Jean
2009    Women, the state and war, in: International Relations, vol. 23, no. 2, S.289-303.

Bhaba, Jacqueline
1996    Embodied rights, Gender persecution, state sovereignty, and refugees, in: Public Culture, vol. 9, S.3-32.

Bilgin, Pinar
2004    International politics of women’s insecurity, Rejoinder to Mary Caprioli, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.499-508.

Binder, Christina / Lukas, Karin / Schweiger, Romana
2009    UN Security Council Resolution 1325, gender and transitional justice, in: Korieh, Chima / Okeke-Ihejirika, Philomina (eds.): Gendering global transformations,
Gender, culture, race, and identity, Routledge, London, S.201-219.

Blanchard, Eric
2003    Gender, international relations and the development of feminist security theory, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 28, 4, S.1289-1312.

Boehme, Jeannette / German Institute for Human Rights (ed.)
2008    Human rights and gender components of UN and EU peace operations, Putting human rights and gender mandates into practice, German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin.

Borchelt, Gretchen
2005    Sexual violence against women in war and armed conflict, in: Barnes, Andrea (ed.): The handbook of women, Psychology and the law, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, S.293-327.

Borer, Tristan Ann (ed.)
2006    Truth telling and peace building in post-conflict societies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame.

Boulding, Elise
1981    Perspectives of women researches on disarmament, national security, and world order, in: Women’s Studies International Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 1, S.27-40.

1987    Kriegerinnen und Heilige, Dilemmata in der Geschichte von Männern, Frauen und Krieg, in: Antimilitarismus Information, Nr. 8, III, S.110-120.

Bouta, Tsjeard
2005    Gender and disarmament, Demobilization and reintegration, Building blocks for Dutch policy, Research Paper, Conflict Research Unit, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, Clingendael, The Hague.

Bown, Sarah
1988    Feminism, international theory and international relations of gender inequality, in: Millenium, Journal of International Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, S.461-475.

Braunmühl, Claudia von
2002    Security for whom and against what?, in: EPD Entwicklungspolitik, 1, S.44-49.

Broadhead, Lee-Ann
2000    Re-packaging notions of security, A sceptical feminist response to recent efforts, in: Jacobs, Susie / Jacobson, Ruth / Marchbank, Jennifer (eds.): States of conflict, Gender violence and resistance, Zed Books, London, S. 27-44.

Breines, Ingeborg / Gierycz, Dorota / Reardon, Betty (eds.)
1999    Towards a women’s agenda for a culture of peace, UNESCO Publishing, Paris.

Breines, Ingeborg / Morrell, Robert / Eide, Ingrid (eds.)
2000    Male roles, masculinities and violence, A culture of peace perspective, UNESCO Publications, Paris.

Brock-Utne, Birgit
1989    Feminist perspectives on peace and peace education, Pergamon Press, New York.

1990    Feminist perspective on peace, in: Smoker, Paul / Davies, Ruth / Munske, Barbara (eds.): A reader in peace studies, Pergamon Press, New York, S.144-150.

1997    Linking the micro and macro in peace and development studies, in: Turpin, Jennifer / Kurtz, Lester (eds.): The web of violence, From interpersonal to global, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, S.149-160.

Bryne, Bridget
1996    Towards a gendered understanding of conflict, in: Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, IDS Bulletin, vol. 27, no. 3, S.31-40.
Buchanan, C. / Farr, V. / Flood, M.

Bunch, Charlotte / Carillo, Roxanne
1998    Global violence against women, The challenge to human rights and development, in: Klare, Michael / Chandrani, Yogesh (eds.): World security, Challenges for a new century, St. Martin`s Press, New York, S.229-248.

Burguieres, Mary
1990    Feminist approaches to peace, Another step for peace studies, in: Millenium, vol. 19, no. 1, S.1-18.

Bussmann, Margit
2010    Political and socio-economic aspects of gender equality and the onset of civil wars, in: Sicherheit und Frieden (S und F), 1, S.6-12.

Butler, Christopher / Gluch, Tali / Mitchell, Neil
2007    Security forces and sexual violence: A cross-national analysis of a principal—agent argument, in: Journal of Peace Research, vol. 44, S.669-687.

Calhoun, Parick / Smith, William
1999    Integrative bargaining, Does gender make a difference? In: The International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 10. no. 3, S.203-224.

Caliskan, Selmin / Griese, Karen
2006    Women fighting violence in war-torn societies, in: Development, vol. 49, no. 1, S.127-131.

Campbell, Kirsten
2001    Legal memories, Sexual assault, memory, and international humanitarian law, in: Signs, vol. 38, 1, S.149-178.

2007    The gender of transitional justice, Law, sexual violence and the ICTY, in: International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 1, no. 3, S.411-432. (und in: Mittelweg 36, 2009, S.26-52.)

Camus-Jacques, Geneviève
1989    Refugee women, The forgotten majority, in: Loescher, Gil / Monahan, Laila (eds.) Refugees and international relations, Oxford University Press, Oxford, S.141-157.
Caprioli, Mary

2003    Gender equality and state aggression, The impact of domestic gender equality on state first use of force, in: International Interactions, 29, S.195-214.

2004    Democracy and human rights versus women’s security, A contradiction? in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.411-428.

2005    Primed for violence, The role of gender equality in predicting intenational conflict, in: International Studies Quarterly, vol. 49, S.161-178.

2005    Gendered conflict, in: Journal of Peace Research, vol. 37, no. 1, S.51-68.

Carlson, E.S.
1997    Sexual assault on men in war, in: The Lancet, vol. 349, S.129.
2006    The hidden prevalence of male sexual assault during war, Observations and blunt trauma to the male genitals, in: British Journal of Criminology, vol. 46, no. 1, S.16-25.

Carney, Henry
2001    ‘Women and peace and security’, The politics of implementing gender sensitivity norms in peacekeeping, in: Olsson, Louise / Tryggestad, Toruun (eds.): Women and international peacekeeping, Frank Cass Publishers, London, S.49-65.

Carpenter, Charly
2002    Beyond gendercide, Incorporating gender into comparative genocide studies, in: International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 6, no. 2, S.77-101.

2005    Women, children and other vulnerable groups, Gender, strategic frames, and the protection of civilians as a transnational issue, in: International Studies Quarterly, 49, 2, S.295-334.

2006    Recognizing gender-based violence against civilian men and boys in conflict situations, in: Security Dialogue, 37, 1, S.83-103.

2006    Innocent women and children, Gender norms, and the protection of civilians, Ashgate, Aldershot.
Carpenter, Charly (ed.)

2007    Born of war, Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield.
Carreis, Helena

2006    Gender and the military, Women in armed forces of western democracies, New York.

Carreiras, Helena / Kümmel, Gerhard (eds.)
2008    Women in the military and in armed conflict, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.

Chapkins, Wendy
1987    Sexualität und Militarismus, in: Antimilitarismus Information, Nr. 8, III, S.121-125.

Charles, Nickie / Hintjens, Helen (eds.)
1998    Gender, ethnicity and political ideology, Routledge, London.

Charlesworth, Hilary / Chinkin, Christine
2000    The boundaries of international law, Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Chinkin, Christine
1999    Women, The forgotten victims of armed conflicts?, in: Durham, H. / MacCormack, T.L.M. (eds.): The changing face of conflict and the efficacy of international humanitarian law, Kluwer International Law, The Hague, S.23-44.

2003    Gender, human rights and peace arrangements, in: Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution, vol. 18, no. 3, S.867-886.

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Clifton, Deborah / Gell, Fiona
2001    Saving and protecting lives by empowering women, in: Gender and Development, vol. 9, no. 3, S.8-18.

Cuklanz, Lisa / Moorti, Sujata (eds.)
2009    Local feminist analyses of gendered representations, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.

Cockburn, Cynthia
1998   The space between us, Negotiating gender and national identities in conflict, Zed Books, London.

2007    From where we stand, War, women’s activism and feminist analysis, Zed Books, London.

Cockburn, Cynthia / Zarkov, Dubravka (eds.)
2000    The postwar moment, Militaries, masculinities and international peacekeeping, Lawrence and Wishart, London.

Comas-Díaz, Lillian / Jansen, Mary
1995    Global conflict and violence against women, in: Peace and Conflict, Journal of Peace Psychology, vol. 1, no. 4, S.315-331.

Cooke, Miriam / Woollacott, Angela (eds.)
1993    Gendering war talk, Princeton University Press, Pinceton.

Copelon, Rhonda
1995    Gendered war crimes, in: Peters, Julie / Wolper, Andrea (eds.): Women rights, human rights, Routledge, New York, S.197-214. (and published in: McGill Law Journal, vol. 85, 2000, pp. 613-645).

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Costin, Lela

1982    Feminism, pacifism, internationalism and the 1915 international congress of women, in: Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 5, no. 3/4, S.301-345.
Couillard, Valérie

2007    The Nairobi Declaration: Redefining reparation for women victims of sexual violence, in: International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1, S.444-453.

Crevelt, Martin van
2001    Men, women and war, Cassell Publishers, London.

Crystal, Paul / Ehrlich, Lida
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De Brouwer, Anne-Marie
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Dixon, Rosalind
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