1000 PeaceWomen
Amnesty International
The world biggest human rights organisation.
Amnesty International / USA
Specifically on Women's Human Rights
Center for Women´s Global Leadership
The center champions "Women´s Empowerment" inside and outside of the UN system.
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW)
NGO promoting women's rights, especially fighting sexual abuse and trade of women and girls.
Crisis Management Initiative
NGO situated in Helsinki campaining sustainable security world wide with a special focus on gender and peace.
Feminist Peace
The Feminist Peace Network campaigns against violence against women and children.
Women without Borders
Campaigns for women's rights and constitutionality.
Hague Appeal for Peace
International network of organisations and individuals against war, promoting peace.
Human Rights Watch
One of the most important international human rights organisations.
Initiative for Inclusive Security
This international initiative supporting sustainanable and thorough peace and security is subordinated to the Hunt Alternatives Fund.
International Alert
Independant NGO supporting processes of peace in regions and countries of conflict.
International Crisis Group
Independent institution supporting conflict prevention and conflict resolution.
International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Founded in 1892 this confederation supports the International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament.
International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
Well renowned transnational instituion for peace research with more than 1300 members in about 90 countries.
International Service for Peace (SIPAZ)
American-European organisation situated in Santa Cruz/USA supporting the peace process in Chiapas/Mexiko.
International Women's Tribune Center (IWTC)
IWTC supports the communication, informing, and further training of women's organisation in countries of the "South" and helps establishing them.
NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security
Was founded in May 2000 in order to demand a resolution on women, peace and security from the UN Security Council. After achieving this with resolution 1325, the organisation now works on its implementation.
Nobel Women's Initiative
Initiative of the female Nobel Peace Prize winners supporting peace work.
Peace Brigades International (PBI)
International human rights organisation. PBI is known for the backing endangered human rights activists with international volunteers.
One of the best and most thorough websites on women, peace and security. Eine der besten und umfassenden Websites zum Thema Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit. The interent platform offers a wide overview of the UN system as well as NGOs worldwide working in this field.
Peace X Peace | Connecting Women for Peace
The women's network strives for a worldwide networking of women, who are basally involved in peace building.
International NGO supporting the equality of women and a stronger role of women in world politics.
Women and Life on Earth
Frauen-Netzwerk für Ökologie, Frieden und Gerechtigkeit. Will die Erfahrung und das Wissen von Frauen und Bewegungen aus der ganzen Welt bekannt machen und miteinander verbinden. Die NGO versteht sich als Vernetzungsstelle für Informationen, Ideen und Aktionen zu den Themen Frieden, Ökologie und globale Gerechtigkeit.
Women for Women
Financial and emotional support for women experiencing violence in war and peace times. Also political educational work for empowering women.
Women in Black
Women in Black does not see itself as an organisation but forum for mobilisation and action, especially in organising pickets. It was founded in 1988 in Isreal t protest against the Israeli occupation of West Jordan Land and Gaza.
Women´s Commission for Refugee Women and Children
Works for the security and empowerment of refugees and exiles, especially women and children.
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
As the former "Women's Caucus for Gender Justice" this initiative fought vehemently for taking into account gender aspects in the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The initiative now engages in making the ICC effective and independent, especially supporting justice for women.
Women In International Security (WIIS)
NGO campaigning for an increasing percentage of women in executive positions in international politics.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
The oldest women's peace organisation. WILPF participates in the work for the implementation of UN resolution 1325.
Women Waging Peace
Empowering women as peacemakers through celebrity support.
This UN website brings together information and materials form the whole UN system on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women.
World March of Women
Worldwide union of women's initiatives meeting and discussing all around the world realising the "World March of Women".
World Peace Forum
In June 2006 the Wolrd Peace Forum took place for the first time in Vancouver, Canada. Apart from regional discussions also working groups on "women" came together.
Women Peacemakers Program
Programme of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation supporting women's peacework.