
Intersectionality and refugee women

The shortcomings of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum from an intersectional perspective
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This contribution sheds an intersectional feminist perspective on the European Commission’s (EC) New Pact on Migration and Asylum. By engaging with the definitory and conceptual unclarities as to who the Pact defines as “especially vulnerable groups” and according to which criteria, it critically examines some of the gendered and racialized notions about migrants embedded in and institutionalized through the Pact. By illustrating how the EC has little understanding of what being “vulnerable” means, what implications the uncritical adoption of this term can have and what consequences respective measures can have for migrants, this paper makes a relevant contribution to ongoing debates with regard to the EU’s future migration and border politics.

Check out the web dossier on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.

This paper was first published on Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels: https://eu.boell.org/en/intersectionality-refugee-women 

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2021
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


1. Contextualizing the Pact

2. Intersectionality as a political and academic perspective

3. Approaching the Pact

   3.1. Why intersectionality matters in EU migration and border politics

   3.2. Normative level

   3.3. Policy level

   3.4. Institutional level

   3.5. Outlook

4. Conclusions


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