Feminist lesbian activist and anti-war activist of feminist movement. Feminist counselor for women and lesbians with trauma of male violence and war in Belgrade. From the beginning of the war in 1991 she is an activist of the Women in Black Against War, feminist anti-war and anti-fascist group against Serbian regime. As a radical feminist with similar feminist activists co-funded a counseling SOS center in Belgrade for women survivors of male violence – which later with support of women activist internationally developed in the Autonomous Women’s Center (1993). Co founder and activist of the lesbian group Labris (1995) and three year ago Counseling for Lesbians where she is active now. Facilitator of workshops of experience for emotional literacy of activists in the region. Activist in the international networks LFA _ Lesbian feminist activists, FLIPSUR Feminist list against rape in war in territory of Yugoslavia, LQ_FEAST Lesbians and queer feminist list of East Europe.
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