Documentation of the international Conference
On the 10th Anniversary of UN Resolution 1325
Ten years after the adoption of UN Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace and Security”, the Gunda Werner Institute (GWI) of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in cooperation with the German Women’s Security Council and Peace Women Across the Globe hosted an international conference with three main aims. In the first part of the conference, we took critically stock of the implementation of Resolution 1325, and asked about the relevance of this universal tool for specific country cases on the ground. In the second part, we looked beyond the mere implementation of the resolution and enhance the analysis of gender dynamics in conflict. We inquired both about sexualised violence and the construction of masculinities in conflict, as well as the abuse of feminist projects to legitimise armed intervention. In the third part, we discussed political strategies with major political stakeholders in order to place the problems discussed at the conference on the agenda of the international community.