Natasha Bitten:
To our regret, we have to concede that the women’s movement in Russia has lost significant ground. Instead of promoting the interests of women in general, some organizations have concentrated on dealing with local tasks. That was a strategic error. The time has come to address that. We have to develop new models for behavior, present society with alternatives to the patriarchal model and show the benefits that a new system of mutual relations in both families and society can provide to people of both sexes.
The initiative group For Feminism brings together people representing differing degrees of radicalism who hold a range of political views, and that explains our power. Our objective is to propagate feminist ideology and the concept of gender equality. Thus, the use of the word “feminism” in the group’s name is a matter of principle. The situation is so critical that we must call things by their true names: we describe discrimination as ‘discrimination’ and feminism as ‘feminism’…
Yelena Maksimova:
We have come together to create a feminist agenda in society, because today’s “women’s issue” is being articulated in the political arena in a spirit that is solely patriarchal: benefits for children, maternal capital, abortions etc. That is why we have come together. In this situation, I don’t place particular hope in legislative changes alone. Laws are only half of the battle. Our organization must become a movement that changes society’s attitude towards equality of the sexes. We have to combat the attitude that sees women as second-class human beings. For me, as a feminist, it is important that the totalitarian way of thinking, which is what patriarchal thinking is, be destroyed. Then, people will see the concepts of equal rights differently. I understand that this is a long-term process. But it has to get started…
Vera Akulova:
Russian society is still living in a state of total disaster when it comes to gender issues. One can point to an endless series of examples, from the horrendous statistics on domestic violence through to the fact that hardly anyone in Russia knows what the word ‘sexism’ means. Yet the group For Feminism is the only grassroots initiative that I know of that places gender issues on its key and permanent agenda and brings them out onto the streets. Maybe, there really isn’t anybody else or maybe connections are so totally lacking that we are not aware of one another. On the other hand, the fact that a group of this kind has emerged does mark a first step, one that is tremendously important and sparks a bit of optimism.
About the Authors:
Natasha Bitten is a journalist, political scientist, writer and feminist; the author of popular and scientific texts, in 2007 her novel Mainstream was published under the pseudonym Natalya Kim.
She specializes in Gender Studies. For several years she directed the largest political newspaper in the province of Kemerovo. She is currently developing the Internet portal Club of Travelling Women . Activist of the Initiative Group For Feminism.
Yelena Maksimova was born in Moscow and earned her degree at the Historical-Philosophical Faculty of the University of the Russian Academy of Education. She has worked as a lecturer and guide at the State Museum of Oriental Art. She is a feminist, enjoys archeology and photography and takes part in environmental protests. Activist of the Initiative Group For Feminism.
Read more about:
- The stiuation of women in Russia - An introduction
- Interview with Galina Mikhaleva: About March 8th and democratization processes in society
- Interview with Nadezhda Shvedova: The women's movement in today's Russia
- Interview with Irina Tartakovskaya: Equality and quotas in Russia
- Interview with Olga Voronina: About gender censorship and the term feminism in Russia
- Interview with Olga Zdravomyslova: patriarchal renaissance in Russia
- Interview with Soja Khotkina: Women in russia on the labor market
- Interview with Yelena Maksimova: "March 8th in Russia: From Marxism to Sexism"
- Interview with Nina Ostanina: Only socialism will guarantee true equality for women
- back to overview Women´s Voices Women´s Choices