Despite global advances recognizing the principle of women’s political, economic and social equality, Kenyan women continue to be marginalized in many areas of society, especially in the sphere of leadership and decision making. Based on intensive interviews with ten female politicians, this study looks at women leaders’ perception of their leadership roles, seeking to provide answers to the question ‘Do women bring a different perspective into politics?’
What emerges from the findings is that some individual women politicians contribute more than is often acknowledged. The study also affirms that the lack of a critical mass of women in political institutions is a major constraint for women politicians to effect significant and positive difference towards transforming the male-dominated culture of politics, public policy, and resource allocation in a gender equitable manner. This study acknowledges the challenges Kenya women face as they attempt to engage in political leadership. It, however, focuses less on these challenges and more on the perceptions, experiences, visions, achievements and their lived experiences that have shaped their leadership perspectives and approaches – A woman’s perspective on political leadership.
Women and Political Leadership in Kenya: Ten Case Studies
Nyokabi Kamau
Heinrich Böll Foundation, Nairobi, 2010
ISBN 9966-7172-1-8
100 pp.
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