Was born and grew up in Tübingen. Passed her “C” exam in organ playing. Graduated from high school in 1974. Studied political science and various minor subjects, including German language and literature and journalism, at the Free University of Berlin; graduated in political science in 1980; earned her doctorate degree (Dr. rer. pol.) in 2010.
1978/79: one of the founding members of the German newspaper “taz”; worked as editor there in various departments.
Since 1997: freelance journalist and publicist; writes for various daily newspapers and magazines; has published seven books to date (2 fiction, 5 non-fiction books) as well as numerous articles, short stories and essays. Last book publication in March 2010: “Heldendämmerung – die Krise der Männer und warum sie auch für Frauen gefährlich ist.” [Twilight of the Heroes – the crisis of men and why it is also dangerous for women]
During the 1991 Gulf War, co-founded “Frauenaktion Scheherazade”; since then, various forms of voluntary work for the international women’s peace movement. Co-founded the association “Scheherazade e.V.”, which carries out projects in the Afghan province of Nimroz. During the 2003 Iraq war, co-founded the German Women’s Security Council. Since 2007, Western European coordinator of the worldwide network “1,000 PeaceWomen”; within this network, came up with the concept for the exhibition “No Women – No Peace, 10 Years UN Resolution 1325” in autumn 2010 held directly outside the doors of the UN Security Council in New York as well as Berne and Berlin.
Ute Scheub has received various awards for her work.