Sarai Aharoni is one of the founding members of the new Haifa Feminist Institute (HFI), an independent feminist archive, library and research center and a research fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University . She holds a PhD in Gender Studies (Bar-Ilan University, 2009) and was a visiting fellow at the University of Michigan. Her research on gender and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process within the field of feminist security studies has been published in various journals including Sex Roles, International Sociology, Politics & Gender, Social Politics and Security Dialogue. She is the co-editor (with Rula Deeb) of Where are all the Women? Gender Perspectives of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Pardes: 2004).
Sarai is also a researcher at the Center for the Advancement of Women (WIPS) at the Van-Leer Jerusalem Institute where her recent publication in Hebrew on Localizing UNSCR 1325 in Israel has just appeared.