Frauke Lisa Seidensticker, born in 1958, has been actively involved in strategic advocacy for human rights at the national and international level for more than 20 years. She is a senior expert in non-profit management with a strong track record in strategic leadership, change management and institution-building. She successfully directed three non-profit-organisations in the field of human rights; from 1992 to 2001 the Swiss Section of Amnesty International and from 2001 to present the German Institute for Human Rights which she built up from the outset. As a member of the Executive Board, she holds the position of the deputy director. She served on several other Boards of Trustees. Seidensticker published on national human rights institutions and their co-operation with UN human rights bodies, human rights dialogues, and European Security and Defence Policy. She is a member of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of National Human Rights Institutions since 2002 and a member of European Coordinating Committee and the Bureau of the ICC since 2005. She participated in human rights dialogues with China, Iran, and other countries and in related projects of the European Union, the German and the Swiss government. In her function as Secretary General of the Swiss Section of Amnesty International (AI) she founded and presided over the Swiss Forum Human Rights, an NGO – network for a regular dialogue with the Swiss foreign minister on issues of human rights. She took part in a series of missions and conferences in the Middle East. As a member of one of the Standing Committees of the International Executive Committee of AI, she continuously assumed advisory tasks for the international organisation of AI. Since 1995 she offers management consultancies for non-profit-organisations with clients in Pakistan, Algiers, Belgium, Egypt, areas under Palestinian authority, Bolivia, Germany and Switzerland. Her profound knowledge on the international human rights protection system and her international network in the field of human rights forms the background for her consultancy work which will become the key focus of her activities from 2011 on. Having studied the law, Seidensticker holds degrees from the University of Geneva (human rights), the University of Fribourg (post-graduate degree in non-profit management) and is a licensed Master Practitioner of NLPTM certified by the International Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.