Nelly Y. Pinkrah is a cultural and media theorist and political activist, mainly involved in anti-racist, empowerment, and community-building projects. For newspapers and magazines Nelly writes on racism, technology, and the digital, and gives workshops on these topics for various organizations. At the Research Training Group »Cultures of Critique« at Leuphana University Lüneburg, she is preparing her doctoral thesis on Édouard Glissant and cybernetics. She also works as an assistant to the Chair of Media Theory and History and is associated with the Center for Digital Cultures. From October 2018 to May 2019, she was a Doctoral Fellow at the Global Emergent Media Lab at Concordia University, Montréal. In 2019, she organized the first Stanford Leuphana Summer Academy on Media Studies. In spring 2021, an anthology with Manuela Bojadzijev and Lisa Nakamura on racism and digital media will be published in the Minnesota UP/meson press series »In Search of Media«.
Latest publication: Erich Hörl, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Lotte Warnsholdt (2020): Critique and the Digital, Zürich: diaphanes Verlag/Chicago University Press