Shalini Yog Shah is Deputy Director at the India office of the Foundation. She is responsible for the Programme on “Gender and Socio-Economic Policies” and “Globalization”. The program works with civil society and think tanks to engage on gender and equity dimensions of public policy, democratize decision making and foster sustainable development.
She has been working as a development professional in India and South Asia since the past 15 years and has sector experience on policy and research work. At the Foundation, she has been responsible for a diverse set of portfolio ranging from projects on climate policy; sustainable livelihoods; inter-religious dialogue; democracy and conflict; gender and trade; macro-economic policy and gender; and global India.
Earlier at PRIA (Society for Participatory Research in Asia) she has worked on “Strengthening Urban Governance” by working with elected representatives on capacity building and town planning measures. At INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural heritage), she was closely involved in projects of “natural heritage conservation and developed” and many an urban and regional “blueprints on water harvesting”.
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