On 24 June 2013, the Security Council sent a strong signal to perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict that their crimes will not be tolerated. In adopting the new resolution 2016, efforts shall be strengthened to end impunity for conflict-related sexual violence large numbers of women and girls but also men and boys are exposed to.
The aim of the resolution is a more consistent and rigorous investigation and prosecution of sexual violence crimes as a central aspect of deterrence, and ultimately prevention. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General, said: “Sexual violence, whenever and wherever it occurs, is a vile crime. It must be exposed and met with the anger and action that it deserves”.
In three previous resolutions – 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and 1960 (2010) – the Council affirmed that sexual violence, when committed systematically and used as a tool of war, is a fundamental threat to international peace and security, requiring an operational security and judicial response.