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Human Rights between the Sexes

- October 22, 2013 -
With the present study the Heinrich Böll Stiftung names the largely
invisible discrimination against intersex individuals and, in doing so,
brings it to light. A first overview of the life situations of
intersex individuals from 12 selected countries in various regions of
the world is being offered. 


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    South Caucasus

    Situation of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) people in South Caucasus, 2012

    - May 30, 2013 -
    2012 was a special year in terms of publicity of the LGBT community and the LGBT movement in all three South Caucasian countries. Several important steps have been made towards raising acute issues about sexual identity, differences/diversity and social constructs in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

    Nino Lejava more»


      Russian Federation: Situation Of LGBT In The Russian Federation (2009 Report)

      - October 10, 2012 -

      Although the report is from 2009, it seems quite up-to date when you
      read the news. The Report is the result of the specialized monitoring of
      discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the
      Russian Federation carried out by the Moscow Helsinki Group in
      cooperation with the Russian LGBT Network in 2007–2008. This is the
      first specialized study of the legal situation of gays, lesbians,
      bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT community) in Russia.


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        “A Room of My Own” at the Centre for Visual Cultural Research, Kiev

        - May 30, 2012 -

        On May 19th, two unknown assailants attacked an exhibition by
        photographer Yevgenia Belorusets at the Centre for Visual Cultural
        Research (VCRC) in Kiev. The artist's photoworks are dedicated to the
        lives of Ukrainian LGBT and Queer families, who have to deal with
        harassment and threats of violence on a daily basis. It's not the first
        time that the center, which is under constant danger of being closed
        down by the authorities, is a target of censorship. 


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          A Global Gaze: The work of donor organizations for LGBTI-Rights in the Global South and East

          - March 13, 2012 -
          The current Global Gaze Report provides an overview on how international donor organizations promote and financially support LGBTI organizations and projects in the Global South and East.


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            Presentation and Discussion: Trans*-rights are Human Rights!

            - October 31, 2011 -

            The international project „Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide“
            researches the human rights situation of trans people worldwide. On October 5th,
            the research team and representatives presented some first results to a wider
            public audience. We present the recording of the panel discussion.


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              Iranian LGBT-Activist: "Sexual discrimination and homophobia doesn’t have any geographical boundaries"

              - October 31, 2011 -
              Arsham Parsi is an Iranian LGBT Human Rights activist who lives in exile in
              Canada. He is the founder and head of the Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees
              (IRQR), an advocacy group on behalf of LGBTs fleeing Iran. We had the chance to
              speak to Arsham Parsi during his visit to Berlin in early May.


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                Struggle for equality: Sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights in Africa

                - March 9, 2011 -

                The conference sought to analyse the challenges faced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) communities in Africa. It provided a platform for the discussion of strategies aimed at creating an environment on the continent where sexual minorities can enjoy the full range of human rights and are recognised as full citizens.

                Kristin Palitza more»

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                  The battle for the recognition of LGBTI rights as human rights

                  - November 3, 2010 -
                  Over the past couple of years, there has not been a shortage of examples of human rights violations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons throughout the continent. 

                  Sibongile Ndashe more»