Digitalizing the EU's External Borders
In the context of our series of events on the situation of queer refugees, we hosted the international conference "The digitalization of the EU's external borders and the production of vulnerability" in Berlin in June 2024.

The contributions examine the digitalization of EU border security and asylum procedures from an intersectional perspective. They analyze how AI and other digital technologies serve the EU's political agenda and what impact the understanding of people, especially as a threat to national security, has on human and fundamental rights. They thus shed light on the interconnectedness of (neo-)colonial border regimes, digital technology and larger geopolitical processes of othering.
We would like to thank our cooperation partners: the Queer Asylum Network (QUEAN) and Netzforma*.eV.
Opening & Keynote
The Digitalization of EU Borders and the Production of Vulnerabilities - Opening & Keynote - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Panel #1 "EU Borders in Digital Shift"
The Digitalization of EU Borders - Panel #1 "EU Borders in Digital Shift" - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Panel #2 "The Colonial Legacies of Border Digitalization"
The Digitalization of EU Borders - Panel #2 "The Colonial Legacies of Border Digitalization" - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung