The regional campaign Combating Violence Against Women “Life without Violence and Discrimination is Possible” was formed by ten women organizations and hundreds of activists in eight Arab countries in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Young directors were targeted as agents of change using alternative social media to lobby for combating violence against women in Egypt. The 12 short films that were produced document real cases under the subject. These movies were widely shown in public areas, national film festivals and on national TV and satellite channels.
This short film “I will not talk” is one of the 12 films. It was produced by El Nadeem Center in Cairo.
Read more about:
- Egypt: Tahrir Transformation
- Palestine: The Post-Oslo Palestine and Gendering Palestinian Citizenship under Occupation
- Israel: Jewish and Jewish-Palestinian Feminist Organizations in Israel
- Israel: Gaining Public Transportation, Arab Women in Israel Make History
- Israel: Time Will Tell - The Impact of the Katzav Ruling from a Feminist Perspective
- Israel: Anat Saragusti on 10th Anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325
- Bahrain: The situation in Bahrain calls for human rights activism - Interview with Maryam Al Khawaja