Since 2009 is the European Trans*-and human rights organization Transgender Europe in charge of the international research project Trans-respect versus trans-phobia (TvT), which investigates the situation of human rights of Trans* people in close cooperation with other researchers, activists and partner organizations worldwide. In the first week of October 2011 came six representatives of TvT partner organizations from Africa, Asia, Oceania, South America as well as East Europe together for a planning and exchange meeting of the research project.
During the presentations it became apparent that the challenges for Trans*People are rather similar ones, despite the varying political and social contexts they live in. The dominating issue is still the often brutal violence Trans*People face worldwide. The latest results of the sub-project Tans Murder Monitoring have been introduced by Carla LaGata and Jan Simon Hutta. Common issues in the presentations of our guest were the insufficient and discriminating legal procedures of gender recognition as well as the lack of access to health services due to an insufficient or too expensive offer. In addition, the ways of exclusion and discrimination showed similarities in most of the countries, such as limited possibilities of employment.
As our guest work under very difficult circumstances in their countries, we would like to thank them again for their efforts and commitment to this project.