Feminist Video Archive
Here you can find videos and event recordings of the Gunda Werner Institute of the last 10 years in English language (note: not all videos are completely in English).We hope you enjoy watching them.
Women Take On The Digital Divide
A Six-Part Public Event Series
Happy Birthday Intersectionality! (April 19)
On 28.04.19 a feminist gala for and with Kimberlé Crenshaw took place to celebrate 30 years of intersectionality.
Attack on Democracy: Anti-Gender-Movements in Europe (March 19)
Lecture with Prof. Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
September 2018
StreitWert - Politics in Dialogue
What debates characterise the feminist scenes in Germany? What are they arguing about and why?
Self-determination or legal regulation? Feminist positions on abortion and Section 218 - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Self-determination or legal regulation? Feminist positions on abortion and Section 218
- Dr. Antje Schrupp
- Gesine Agena
- Prof. Daphne Hahn
- Adriana Lamacková
Mod: Peggy Piesche
Juli 2017
What do you see as the next important feminist project?
Video statements recorded as part of the feminist gala "Meet Your Idol"
T. Vicky Germain "It would be nice to have a conversation that reflects the society we live in." - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

"It would be nice to have a conversation that reflects the society we live in"T. Vicky Germain
Oktober 2015
Conference: Dare the Im_possible
Making the 21st century feminist
Rebecca Gomperts
Interview on 21.04.2016: "Feminist demands for the 21st century"
June 2015
Beijing+20 in South Africa
On the anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action
Women and Violence
In an interview on 05.06.2015 with Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa on the 20th anniversary of the "Beijing 1995 Declaration":
- Elizabeth Petersen
Women and Poverty
In an interview on 05.06.2015 with Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa on the 20th anniversary of the "Beijing 1995 Declaration":
- Paula Assubuji
Women and the Media
In an interview on 05.06.2015 with Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa on the 20th anniversary of the "Beijing 1995 Declaration":
- Crystal Orderson
Pregs Govender
Interview on 05.06.2015 Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa -
Patricia Nyman
Interview on 05.06.2015 Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa -
Ana Gualberto, Graciela Rodriguez, Miriam Nobre
Interview on 28.05.2015 Heinrich Böll Foundation in Brasil -
Women’s rights worldwide –implementation once and for all
Overview of equality laws since the "1995 Beijing Declaration" on 19.06.2015
Women’s rights worldwide –implementation once and for all
Beijing+20 - Women’s rights worldwide –implementation once and for all - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Overview of equality laws since the "1995 Beijing Declaration" on 19.06.2015.
Conference: Equal and unequal
Migration, Multiculturalism and Gender
Gleicher und ungleich zugleich - Migration, Multiculturalism and Gender - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Lecture on 06.11.2012 by Prof. Dr. Birte Siim
Neoliberalism and Global Hegemonic and Dominating Masculinities
Gleicher und ungleich zugleich - Neoliberalism and Global Hegemonic and Dominating Masculinities - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Lecture on 07.11.2012 by Prof. Dr. James W. Messerschmidt
Conference: Coping with Crises, Ending Armed Conflict
An event to mark the 10th anniversary of UN Resolution 1325 with the theme "Peace and Security Need a Gender Perspective"
Konferenz zur UN Resolution 1325
28. bis 30. Okt. 2010 in Berlin -
Panel discussion - Embedded Feminism
Nadie Al-Ali, Bente Scheller, Barbara Lochbihler, Helmut Ganser, Mod: Barbara Unmüßig -
Panel discussion - 1325 and Future Perspectives
Paul Higate, Henri Myrttinen, Monika Hauser, Cilja Harders -
"Coping with Crises, Ending Armed Conflict", Conclusions and Demands
Barbara Unmüßig, Kerstin Müller, Petra Bläss-Rafajlovski, Katelijn de Nijs
Conclusions and Demands
Conference: Coping with Crises, Ending Armed Conflict - Conclusions and Demands - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Discussion of the issues at the conference "Coping with Crises, Ending Armed Conflict" on 30.10.2010 chaired by:
- Petra Bläss-Rafajlovski
- Henning von Bargen