"Beautiful Bastard - Identität, Träume, Alpträume"
Draußen-Installation von Rafat Alzakout und Lena Loy & kulturelle Interventionen
Wie erfinde ich mir in der Übergangszone von Traum und Alptraum einen Körper in einer Stadt, die mein Zuhause werden soll? „Beautiful Bastard“ sucht nach Antworten. Der syrische Künstler Rafat Alzakout und die Szenografin Lena Loy haben ausgehend von Rafats Malerei eine Outdoor-Installation entwickelt, die erstmals im Community-Garten der Wohngenossenschaft Prinzenallee 58 zu sehen ist.
Entstanden ist ein eigener Kunstraum, der Neu- und Altberliner*innen einlädt, ästhetische Erfahrungen jenseits von klassischen Kunst- und Kulturräumen wie Museum, Theater oder Galerie zu machen. Die Installation wird erweitert durch die Tanz-Performance “disrupted nights” mit dem syrischen Musiker Ali Hasan und dem iranischen Tänzer Kaveh Ghaemi.
Galerie: "Beautiful Bastard - Identität, Träume, Alpträume"

The Syrian artist Rafat Alzakout and the scenographer Lena Loy at the opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares".

Lena Loy at the opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares".

Julia Y. Alfandari during the discussion at the opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares".

Discussion at the opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Discussion at the opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

The opening celebration of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Performance by Kaveh Ghaemi and Ali Hasan at the opening celebration of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

The outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares" at night

The opening of the outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

The outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares" at night

The outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares" at night

The outdoor installation "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

The opening celebration of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

The opening celebration of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Performance by Kaveh Ghaemi and Ali Hasan at the opening of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Performance at the opening of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Performance by Kaveh Ghaemi and Ali Hasan at the opening of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Opening celebration of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"

Opening celebration of "Beautiful Bastard - identity, dreams, nightmares"