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Anti-Gender Movements on the Rise?

In den Warenkorb

The concept of "gender backlash" encompasses too activities pursued by a multitude of different local initiatives all over Central and Eastern Europe, which strongly promote tradition over equality. In many cases these groups appear to be backed and inspired both by influential US-American “pro life” organisations as well as the Kremlin’s "Gay-rope" propaganda, which aims to discredit the European Union as a place of moral decline. The contributors to this publication express grave concern about the current situation of gender equality and LGBTI rights in Central and Eastern Europe but give reason for hope too.

With contributions by Ekaterine Aghdgomelashvili, Anna Arganashvili, Anna Nikoghosyan, Borbála Juhász, Zuzana Maďarová, Elżbieta Korolczuk, Magdalena Grabowska, Tamara Zlobina, Tamara Martsenyuk, Volha Piatrukovich, Jana Smiggels Kavková, Veronika Šprincová, Jelena Višnjić.


March 2015
Herausgegeben von
Heinrich Böll Foundation
  • Gender/Backlash. In the Wake of yet Another Conservative Revolution - Preface and Introdukction
  • The Fight for Public Space - Ekaterine Aghdomelashvili
  • Empowering Women Against Discrimination in Labour Relations in Georgia - Anna Arganashvili
  • Tools for Change: Collevtive Actions of Womens's Rights Activists in Armenia - Anna Nikoghosyan
  • Forwards or Backwards? Strategies to Overcome Gender Backlash in Hungary - Borbála Juhász
  • Love and Fear. Argumentative Strategies Against Gender Equality in Slovakia - Zuzana Mad'arová
  • "The War on Gender" from a Transnational Perspective - Lessons for Feminist Strategising - Elżbieta Korolczuk
  • Cultural War or Business as Usual? Recent Instances and the Historical Origins of the Backlash Against Womens's Rights and Sexual Rights in Poland - Magdalena Grabowska
  • The Grey Emancipation Zone - Tamara Zlobina
  • Gender Issues in Ukraine: Werethe EuroMaidan Protests Patriarchal or Egalitarian? - Tamara Martsenyuk
  • Limitations of Research into Gender Inequalities in Belarus - Volha Platrukovich
  • We Can Do It! Empowering Women, Challenging Conservative Backlash, and Combating Gender Stereotypes in Czech REpublic - Jana Smiggels Kavková & Veronika Sprincová
  • Feminist Practices in Contemporary Serbia - Jelena Višnjić
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