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The International Criminal Court

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Blind in one eye? - Is the ICC a model of how sexual crimes should be investigated and treated?

- August 8, 2012 - The strides that international penal law has undergone over the past twenty years are remarkable. However, in terms of investigating and prosecuting sexual violence as international crimes, significant shortcomings are still apparent. more»


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“Blind in one eye? The International Criminal Court 10 years on"

- August 8, 2012 - Dr. Monika Hauser of Medica Mondiale, Cologne about the experience of justice, impunity, law enforcement strategies, as well as a general and specific review of the work of the International Criminal Court on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary on 1 July 2012. Monika Hauser more»


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War-related sexualised violence – has international criminal justice failed here?

- August 8, 2012 - The trying of cases involving war-related sexualised violence is the exception in international criminal trials as well as at the national level. This circumstance has equally not changed as a result of the UN resolutions on women, peace and security of 2000 and 2008 or the so-called Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of 2002. Gitti Hentschel more»