Rechtsruck: Brasilien nach dem ersten Wahlgang Hintergrund Brasilien hat gewählt. In Kongress und Landesparlamenten haben Rechte und Rechtsradikale überwältigend zugelegt. Ihr Kandidat Jair Bolsonaro ist vor der Stichwahl um das Präsidentenamt klarer Favorit. Eindrücke aus einem Land, das nach rechts rückt. By Annette von Schönfeld
A feminist critique of the atomic bomb Weapons prevent war. So goes the “realist” discourse about nuclear weapons. A feminist analysis helps to understand how nuclear weapons are a patriarchal tool, and how it benefits the patriarchy to advocate for their continued existence in the arsenals of a few selected governments. By Ray Acheson
For a Foreign Policy Based on Human Rights and Gender Equality Need for action on the implementation of the agenda „Women, Peace and Security“ by the German Foreign Office. pdf
Knowledge Box From handbooks to published papers, discussions on women, peace and security outline a brighter future.
Young People Do Not Register a Slap Across the Face as Violence Violence Against Women in Serbia Violence doesn’t come out of the blue – future thugs are children today. By Anđela Milivojević
Reporting Domestic Violence to the Center for Social Work Violence Against Women in Serbia Violence can be reported to the police and Center for Social Work. What is the difference between the two and how do women opt for one or the other? By Marija Srdić
How to Report Domestic Violence Violence Against Women in Serbia A first step in the fight against violence is to report it. By Marija Srdić
The New Law is Here, What are the Effects Violence Against Women in Serbia What has the new Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence introduced, and what should be amended or altered in this document? By Tanja Ignjatović
Numbers Speak Violence Against Women in Serbia The number of reported cases of violence against women is increasing. In 2016 the number of reports was 24 percent higher compared to 2015, which is as much as 57.8 percent higher compared to 2014. By Tanja Ignjatović
Violence – An Issue and Why it is One Violence Against Women in Serbia Why violence against women concerns all of us. During the last several years, violence against women has become a recurring subject in Serbian media - but there are serious problems in the reporing of it. By Tamara Skrozza